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Book Reviews Battle For Hurungwe Dr Louis Shulman & Neil Petrie


"This is a book which had to be written.

Part I covers the bush war in North Eastern Rhodesia and includes John Padbury’s personal involvement.  Of most importance is the analysis of the political and philosophical views of the white politicians and white Rhodesians during this time.

Part II explains the novel implementation of a method to counteract the guerrillas in Hurungwe during the latter part of the war.

The conclusion in Part I, which I suspect will be daunting to many surviving white Rhodesians, is most revealing.  The lack of understanding of local culture, language and philosophy plus the then ruling white politicians’ true ideals and the subsequent hardening of attitudes during those trying times were not conducive to any successful outcome for Rhodesia.

Part II of the book describes a successful method to counteract a guerrilla insurgency. This method should be prescribed reading for all military intelligences and senior military officers around the world.

Few people, if any, pass through an armed conflict without scars whether they be emotional, physical or both. John Padbury offers an understanding to “those who wonder why”. He also provides a detailed narrative of parts of the war in Rhodesia.  He then gives a peoples’ answer on how to prevent and succeed against a guerrilla war.

I commend John for his bravery in putting pen to paper to help people understand the war in Rhodesia and in fact other similar conflicts. He offers a workable, likely the only solution, to this and similar wars.”

Dr Louis Shulman


Former Captain Rhodesian Medical Corp and 2RR

Battle for Hurungwe, by John Padbury is essential reading for those interested in the Rhodesian conflict, irregular warfare and national strategy. It is a personal but professionally produced work covering the development of a capable intelligence operator in a small war, but with much wider lessons for all of us. Politics and war are much the same thing, it is just that one more obviously involves weapons and bloodshed than the other. 

However, it is John's realisation that managing the political battle by involving the people more closely, can swiftly turn a lost cause into a winning strategy that is most instructional. The rub is, that the politicians will have to cede more power to the people in order to win. John and those he worked with did exactly that in their area of operations in Hurungwe, but it was too late and the Smith government were not sharp enough to see how this could be more widely applied. If the aim of war is to win, then John shows how working with the people, involving them in their own defence and managing their own affairs, will pay off handsomely. 

As the West crumbles, its authority waning and the power elite losing their grip, the time will come when Battle for Hurungwe will be required reading for those looking to shore up what is left of our civilisation by extending democracy, not constraining it. The Swiss have shown how the use of the tools of direct democracy, taking heed of the people's grievances, needs and aspirations, makes for a cohesive, prosperous and stable nation. A perceptive, gripping and one-off read. 

Well done John.”

Neil Petrie

Author One Vote Away - Saving The West

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