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I composed several songs after the war which helped me express my life and wartime experiences. I thought it appropriate to share some of them when Battle For Hurungwe was published. On this page, I will give the background to each song. Should you chose to listen, please click on the YouTube link which will take you to my YouTube page, Battle for Hurungwe. You are welcome to share the songs.

To my mind, there is a real tragedy in witnessing a soldier killed in action; he carries with him his treasured possessions, his world. Few things in war are worse than witnessing the death and burial of a fellow soldier. Such are the veteran’s battle-scarred memories.
Despite tribal wars, slavery, colonialism, revolution and counter-revolution, Africa remains a troubled continent. Greed and power, often achieved through the barrel of gun, continues to enslave the people. Oh Africa depicts my thoughts on these troubled lands.
My Child was inspired by the sudden horrendous death of a child, my niece Karen (30/10/71 - 30/5/85). As I reflected on the isolation and trauma for all involved in this and similar tragedies such as war, COVID, murder, road accidents and so on, I considered "the child", a loved one, could be of any age. I hope this song plays a small part in the jigsaw of the healing process.
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